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These terms and conditions govern your use of this website; by using this website, you accept these terms and conditions in full, including possible changes should they be necessary. This website is made in compliance with the italian laws.
Italian Mode srl reserves the right to every intellectual property (every right that may fall under copyright law, design law, trademark and brand law and any other law regarding intellectual property) for all the documents, images, videos, animations, articles, sketches, drawings, softwares, databases, trademarks, patents, offers, logotypes, projects, statements and any other material available on the website and connected links. Excluding the personal use of the information available on the websites and those uses being in compliance with the current norm, THE USER IS FORBIDDEN FROM REPRODUCING, DISTRIBUTING, MODIFYING, SHOWING, PUBLICLY TRASMITTING – PARTIALLY OR INTEGRALLY – ANY INFORMATION/DOCUMENT, AND FROM CREATING IN ANY OTHER WAY ANY PRODUCT DERIVING FROM THOSE INFORMATION WITHOUT PREVIOUS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE HOLDERS OF THE RIGHTS OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. All rights reserved.
Italian Mode srl respects the privacy of its users. When collecting and registering its users' data, Italian Mode srl ensures the protection of their privacy and the fulfillment of the conditions of its Privacy Policy. Since the website contains links to external websites, Italian Mode srl will not be held responsible for the use of the users' personal data when they visit these external websites. While visiting the websites, a small file called “cookie” might be inserted in the user's computer: such file is used to navigate easily. Even if a user's computer can be identified by the use of some cookies, Italian Mode srl won't use cookies or other personal data to identify the user without previous written consent. It is also possible to configure the browser so that it will not accept any cookie.